2024 Summer Sermon Series (Facebook Ad)

No other prayer is more important to Christians than this prayer.
It is the Lord’s Prayer – the prayer that Jesus Himself taught us to pray.
There are a host of other prayers we overhear Jesus praying in the Gospels,
but only with this prayer does He say, “Pray like this.”


Most Christians know the Lord’s Prayer by heart. We pray it often, at different times and in different settings. The challenge is knowing the prayer and understanding and appreciating the meaning and power of its words. Each word is saturated with meaning, a meaning that we often miss when we pray it by rote as we gather each week for worship. Each of its six petitions reflects the major themes from Jesus’ life and ministry. As we pause and study the words of Jesus, we will discover how this prayer can shape our lives and through us, to shape and change the world.

July 7, 2024

Part 1 - Our Father, Who Art in Heaven

  • Psalm 139-1-12
  • Matthew 6:7-13
  • Luke 17:20-21
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July 14, 2024

Part 2 - Hallowed Be Thy Name

  • Psalm 8
  • Luke 11:1-4
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July 21, 2024

Part 3 - Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, on Earth as It is in Heaven

  • Isaiah 11:1-10
  • Revelation 21:1-4
  • Matthew 6:9-13
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July 28, 2024

Part 4 - Give us This Day, Our Daily Bread

  • Exodus 16:1-26
  • John 6:22-35
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August 4, 2024

Part 5 - Forgive Us Our Debts as We Forgive Our Debtors

  • Exodus 34:1-10
  • Matthew 18:21-22
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August 11, 2024

Part 6 - Lead Us Not Into Temptation, But Deliver Us from Evil

  • Genesis 3:1-7
  • James 1:2-4, 12-16
  • Matthew 4:1-11
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August 18, 2024

Part 7 - For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory Forever! Amen.

  • 1 Chronicles 29:10-13
  • Matthew 6:9b-13
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